VW Baywindow Bus - Unofficial Bentley Errataby Richard Atwell |
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There are a few errors in the excellent Bentley. The 14th Edition was been printed and some of these errors have already been forwarded, confirmed and corrected by Stan Wolfarth and Art LeBrun at Bentley Publishers. If you find others, please contact me so I can bring it to their attention.
You can identify a 14th edition by the bottom right corner of the cover. If it says Bentley Publishers.com, you've got one.
The 75 wiring diagram makes no mention of Fuel Injection as it's shared between 73, 74 and 75 model years. It must have been translated from a European wiring diagram that used carbs and went unnoticed when Bentley was assembled from the factory workshop manual.
The workshop manual shows a 74/75 wiring diagram and a supplement for 75 that shows the FI wiring.
The manual seems to indicate that GE code engines were introduced and specific to 1979 CA models. This isn't correct. The GE engine was first installed in some late 1977 models for non-US countries but mainly used for every 1978 and the 1979 USA model. GE engine numbers by year:
Table VIII. General Engine Data on page 87 is incorrect based on the 1978 introduction.
Table I. Basic Tune up Specs on page 81 has mixed up the groupings. The CO volume % at idle should read:
1975, 1976 (until VIN 2262077583) 0.2% - 2.0%
1976 (from VIN 2262077584), 1977: 0.9% to 1.1%
1978, 1979 (except CA): 0.5% to 1.5%
1979 CA (w/ O2 sensor disconnected): 0.2% - 1.2%
Corrected in the 14th edition except that 1977 is not mentioned (same as late 76 models).
Table i. Ignition Timing on page 72 along with the Table I. Basic Tune up Specs on page 81 only has one data point for 76 buses when there should be two.
Elsewhere in the manual it's mentioned that the model underwent changes mid-year with VIN 226 2077 583 but fails to indicate that timing changed also.
Those first 76 models up to that VIN should have ignition timing identical to the 75 model (5 ATDC), while the later 76 busses behave like the later models (7.5 BTDC).
The 74 CA model with automatic transmission beginning with VIN 214 2 132 408 was also fuel injected using similar but not always identical components that the 75 model used. There is no mention of this model in Bentley.
Page 31, Fig 10-1, item 17 has an inaccurate description.
17. Pushrod - tubular through 1977, solid steel from 1968
It should probably read:
17. Pushrod - Aluminum with steel tips through 1977, 1 piece steel from 1978
The hydraulic push rods are much stronger than the solid lifter variety because they are made from steel instead of Aluminum and they will also expand differently. They are ever so slightly shorter because the cup in lifter is higher, they are smaller in diameter and they have an oiling hole down the center.
It looks like someone may have mistakenly put "1968" instead of "1978".
Corrected in the 14th edition.
A more correct description for the push rods is on Page 61, section 17.2:
"Engines with hydraulic lifters can be identified by examining the pushrods, which are solid steel (instead of tubular aluminum with steel tips)".
This is still incorrect because all the push rods are hollow to allow the oiling of the rocker arms.
Page 78, 20.1 Special coil has an obsolete part number at the end of 2nd paragraph (only).
The correct part number is 211 905 115B not 211 905 115C. At the time Bentley was published the C coil was available but it was superseded by the B coil. Both coils are Bosch 0 221 122 023.
Page 7, 3 Removing and installing engine says there are only 3 bolts mounting the engine to transmission on 71 models. There are 4 just like every other VW motor.
On page 60 it shows Fig 10-10 Exploded view of rear wheel bearings.
Item 17 circlip, should be shown between item 6 and 7 (the outer bearing and grease seal). The factory diagram is incorrect.
On Page 12 of, section 4.1 makes no mention of removing the transmission ground strap or the wires for the backup switch before removing the transmission.
On page 11, under Testing the Vacuum Check valve it incorrectly states which direction the arrow points.
There are two versions of this valve: one for the early booster (1970-1974) installed behind the firewall and another for FI installed just before the plenum. In either case, the valve has to be oriented so that the air flow goes in the direction of the engine. The later valves have an arrow and the word engine printed on them. The earlier ones simply have an arrow but again it must point towards the engine.
On page 11, several values are given for the compression readings of the dual carb and FI engines. This information only applies to 1700cc engines.
The 1800/2000cc values are shown in the Engine and Clutch chapter on page 85 in Table V.
Corrected in the 14th edition except the 71 psi rating doesn't apply to 1700cc engines.
On page 24, it is stated that automatics thru 76 1/2 do not have a decel valve but below the book explains how to check the electrically controlled decel valve on automatics.
On page 10, the instructions for removing the temp sensor II only apply to 1975 models (1800cc). Later models have an exposed sender that is not covered by tinware and is best removed with a ratcheting box wrench.
05/11/04 - Created
06/22/04 - Added GE engine numbers
10/02/04 - Karl submitted #6 (incorrect coil part number)
10/31/04 - Added 14th ed. comments
04/10/05 - Karl noticed temp sensor II instructions are wrong
05/11/05 - Added note about 75 wiring diagram
08/11/05 - Added mention of transmission group strap
11/03/05 - Added brake booster valve
09/07/11 - Fixed broken photos, added translate button, updated footer
07/15/19 - Google update: new adsense code, removed defunt translate button
11/05/20 - Updated link to Bentley's official V279 Errata