Bay Window Repair Manuals

by Richard Atwell
(c) Copyright 2003-2011


There are several repair manuals written for the 68-79 bus but the most important ones are the official service manuals from VW. They have the most detail, the clearest pictures, the most complete tables but sometimes they tend to lack in fine details of procedure sometimes. Even so, they are indispensable books for keeping your bus in top condition.

You need to be aware that there are two books: one is commonly referred to as "the Bentley" because it's published by Robert Bentley Publishers. It's the green book that everyone has. The other book, the so-called yellow/orange book, is somewhat rarer: the workshop VW Repair Manual that some of the Bentley is culled from. It only covers select years but there is valuable information not contained in Bentley covering gas heater repair, Campmobiles, all the transmissions and more. You need the green book first and then you should supplement it with the yellow/orange or online resources.

Manual Covers:

70 Bentley 74 Bentley 76 Bentley

78 Bentley 79 Bentley

Yellow 1st ed Yellow 2nd ed


Only the latest version of the Bentley is available from RB. If you are shopping on eBay, be aware that many versions exists so check the cover and ask the seller for details. If you are looking for color wiring diagrams then you have to refine you search even more.

All ISBNs were verified at the Library of Congress. Unfortunately their search engine uses cookies which makes it difficult to link to from this page.

Title Publisher Color Wiring Diagrams ISBN/LCCN VW Part No. Bentley Stock No. Years covered
Volkswagen service manual (1) Volkswagenwerk Y 72188053 68-70
Volkswagen Station Wagon/Bus Official Service Manual Type 2 Bentley Publishers Y 0-8376-0056-1
Volkswagen Station Wagon/Bus Official Service Manual Type 2 Bentley Publishers Y 0-8376-0061-8
Volkswagen Station Wagon/Bus Official Service Manual Type 2, 3rd Ed. Bentley Publishers Y 0-8376-0092-8
LPV 997 288 V278 68-78
Volkswagen Station Wagon/Bus Official Service Manual Type 2, 4th Ed. Bentley Publishers N * 0-8376-0094-4
LPV 997 288 V279 68-79
Repair Manual, Type 2, First Edition Volkswagenwerk Aktiengesellschaft Y W42-02-6120-1 74-76
Repair Manual, Type 2, Second Edition Volkswagenwerk Aktiengesellschaft N W42-028-120-1 74-78


Other Colors:

VW colored coded their workshop manuals. Here are some example of other versions. Red is the Rabbit Pickup, green the Rabbit and Scirocco and blue Dasher.

Red Dasher Green Rabbit Blue Dasher Orange Dasher

Fuel Injection :

As far as fuel injection manuals go there is the wordy Bentley and the Yellow/orange workshop manual which reiterates the same information (Bentley is based on it actually). There is also "Bosch Fuel Injection & Engine Management" by Charles Probst which covers all types of Bosch FI.

Everyone knows about these but the best kept secret is the ProTraining manual that VW produced to train their own mechanics. If only the grease monkeys that service most FI buses these days had this manual I'm sure there would be a lot less FI buses running carbs now.

Unfortunately the manual is no longer produced by VW. I recently called VW/Audi Publications (1-800-544-8021) to verify this. When it was available it was $30 or so. eBay is your best bet at finding one and the prices seem to range from $21 and up ($I saw 76 bid once). The manual isn't that rare that you need to panic at the end of the auction. Plenty of mechanics were issued manuals and they are put up for sale quite often.

Pro Training ProTraining Manual
Vanagon / Type 2 Fuel Systems
Part Number WSP 521 148 00

This manual has been scanned by the excellent Greg Potts.

If you can't locate the Pro Training manual, there is a similar manual produced back during baywindow production that is also appropriate. It's called AFC FI Troubleshooting.

AFC manual AFC
(Air Flow Controlled)
Fuel Injection
Type 2 Model 1976
Part Number US 42-00-5955-1
Printed in Germany 12/75

This 76 manual covers both 76 FI models so it's ideal for all models except it lacks information about the O2 sensor on 79 CA models (Bentley covers it anyway).

VW produced several manuals in this series for diagnosing the air/fuel induction systems of their other models, including carburetors and CIS FI.

Tune up manual

Bus Depot used to sell the blue manual for bus and beetle as well as the orange 010 transmission manual.

There are few other manuals out there but I prefer the ones I've already mentioned. Here's a 74 Type 4 manual from Nov. 73 and a Service Training manual for AFC:

Type 4 manual EFI manual



03/29/03 - Created
03/30/03 - Updated with 68-70 manual; removed broken links to LOC.
04/01/03 - Added image of first ed. repair manual and note about 79 Bentley
04/08/03 - Added note about CD-ROM
10/03/03 - Confirmed existence of early color edition of 79 Bentley
10/18/03 - Added ProTraining Manual
01/23/04 - Added other colored manuals
03/01/04 - Added dealer AFC troubleshooting manual
05/16/05 - Added link to Pro Training scans
06/10/07 - Added EFI/AFC Service manual photo from Art
09/06/11 - Fixed broken photos, added translate button, updated footer
07/15/19 - Google update: new adsense code, removed defunt translate button